racer goplaysplix (my [MAIN] account)

About racer goplaysplix (me), nitrotype.com/racer/goplaysplix

Image result for nitro typeImage result for nitrotype goplaysplixMy account was made on march 14, 2017, after my brother, peace_on_earth9 had created several accounts and used ultratype because he thought it would not ban him. 3 days after I created my main account, I made several alt accounts, including meep3r, meep3r1, and several others including TheAntiTyper, which is an account made only for opening mystery boxes. The picture is a screenshot video that is now on youtube, and the video is about getting to level 100 (i am currently on level 105 and closing in on 106). I also have other videos, and I really like the channel Nitro Type. I recommend you check him out. I got the truck of cash on april 14, and with the 15 mill I got the Ferrari Smasher, which is an odd name, and I confused it with Smasher, which I think the name is a typo. that day, I also created my first team, W1NR, which got disbanded in late June to join REV, SSH, NTA, and other top 10 teams. peace_on_earth9 also created his own team, SOKR, which was disbanded the day after W1NR was disbanded. In my first few videos I am seen with a username that usually has the name RONALDO!!!! in it, ronaldo is my favorite soccer player, real madrid my favorite team. After, while in France, where I was born, I created my second team, M33P, which got a top 30 player on it, who is now on NTA😠😠😠, in lovemeh124. The team reached rank 16 before I gave up for a second time, where now I have been on many teams, including DOG, SSH, HELL, ZAPP, SJC, and my current team, TMFS. I am trying to get to 1k people viewing my profile, and if you could help do that that would be great. I am also trying to get to 100 WPM my the new year, as well as beating the wampus 20 times, and getting 1k views. Second post in 1 hour!!!
